Tacos are a meal you can have so much fun with, there are all kinds of foods to stuff in a taco shell. Be sure to make the ingredients inside the taco fresh, clean and of course flavorful. Lime, cumin, chili powder, cayenne, lemon for starters are great seasoning to add to your food for flavor and a little kick. Don't be afraid to experiment a little, you can even make your own favorite mexican blend to put in burgers, meat or chicken marinades, tacos salads. Eating clean doesn't mean it has to be bland, have fun with flavor.
Take some time when you are at the grocery next, spend sometime in front of the spice section, read what's there and and buy a few you think might be good. Take it home and start mixing it up a little, some may not be your favorites and others you might love. Some cook book recipes can be intimidating because there are so many ingredients in them, but most of the time you will see that most of the ingredients are spices or items that add flavor to your food. Some recipes for sauces and dressing or even marinades can be doubled or tripled so that you have extra to store and keep for another time or a different dish.
Mahi Mahi fish tacos anyone??? Feed your mind, nourish your heart and savor your soul
Mahi Mahi Tacos
1 lb Mahi Mahi
Juice of ½ lime
2 tbsp olive oil or coconut oil, seperated
½ tsp chili powder
¼ tsp cumin
½ tsp himilayan
8 small corn tortillas
4 cups spring mix
Taco Dressing
½ cup olive oil, 1 cup chopped cilantro, 2 tbsp cup agave nectar, 2-3 cloves garlic sliced, juice of 1 lime or more once you taste, ½ tsp salt, ¼ tsp pepper. Place all the dressing ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth.
In a medium bowl whisk together lime juice, 1 tbsp olive oil, chili powder, cumin and sea salt, for a marinade.
Cut the fish into bite size pieces and place in the marinade, stir so the fish is well coated.
Cover with plastic and refrigerate for 20 minutes.
Heat grill to medium high. Line a large piece of foil with parchment paper, place the marinated fish in the center and curl the edges around the fish so marinade doesn’t run out, making a little pocket.
Place the foil packet on the grill and cook until the fish is tender and flakes.
Heat the tortillas, place tortillas on plates, put the fish in each tortilla with spring mix on top then drizzle with the dressing.